Standing Rules

 I.    Definitions

  • Application deadline: The date and time that applicant units must submit their funding requests to the SFRB, designated in University Administrative Policy 1310.
  • Publicly available: Posted on the SFRB website and emailed to The Daily Lobo.
  • Supermajority vote: A vote of at least six (6) members of the SFRB.


II.    SFRB Meetings and Public Notice

  • The schedule of SFRB hearings and deliberations will be publicly available no later than thirty (30) calendar days before the application deadline.
  • Units applying for funding will be notified of their individual hearing time slots no later than five (5) business days before hearings begin.
  • Hearings and deliberations will be open to the public.


III.    Parliamentary Authority

  • The parliamentary authority will be the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
  • The SFRB Chair will conduct meetings and enforce parliamentary authority.
  • At the discretion of the SFRB Chair, the SFRB Vice Chair may assist in enforcement of parliamentary authority.
  • In the case of absence or recusal of the SFRB Chair, the SFRB Vice Chair will conduct meetings and enforce parliamentary authority.

IV.    Funding

  • SFRB Application Guidelines will be posted on the SFRB website no later than thirty (30) calendar days before the application deadline.
  • All requests for funding must be typed in accordance with the SFRB Application Guidelines.
  • No later than the application deadline, an electronic version of each application for SFRB funding must be emailed to
  • The SFRB will observe the following criteria in determining funding recommendations.
    • When considering new employment lines, the SFRB will prefer to fund student employment positions and graduate assistantships (GA/PA/RA) over Professional Internships, and Professional Internships over other staff positions: a) The SFRB will not recommend funding employment lines that are unaffiliated with the University of New Mexico. b) The SFRB will not recommend funding faculty, Teaching Assistants, or other positions that should be funded by Instruction & General.
    • If the SFRB determines that a project/program, non-teaching staff line, or other item should be funded in full or in part by Instruction & General, the SFRB will make that preliminary recommendation to the Budget Leadership Team (BLT): a) If the BLT disagrees with the SFRB’s preliminary recommendation, the SFRB will reconsider the request before making final recommendations to the BLT.
    • The SFRB will not recommend funding that will be directly allocated to Chartered Student Organizations.


V.     Quorum, Discussion, and Voting

  • SFRB membership is defined in University Administrative Policy 1310.
  • Quorum will be majority of the voting members
  • Speaking Privileges
    • Alternate members will have full speaking and parliamentary motion privileges during meetings, but may not  vote, unless activated to vote in the case of an appointed member’s absence or recusal.
    • Non-voting members will have full speaking privileges during meetings, but may not make parliamentary motions, unless activated to vote in the case of an appointed member’s absence or recusal.
    • Members are in order only when a motion is on the floor, with the following exceptions:  a) The SFRB Chair or Vice Chair may make introductory remarks for each item of business, before a motion has been offered. b) Motions are not required for agenda business specifically designated as Discussion Items.
    • Members’ speaking turns may last for up to five (5) minutes at a time.
    • Members may yield portions of their speaking time to attendees in the gallery.
  • Funding allocations to be recommended to the BLT will require a supermajority vote.
    • Amendments to any main motions may be approved by a simple majority vote.
    • Formal recommendations to applicant units regarding changes in services may be approved by a simple majority vote.
    • Recommended funding allocations are not final until forwarded to the BLT.

VI.   Clerk and Minutes

  • The SFRB Chair and Vice Chair will appoint an undergraduate or graduate/professional student as SFRB Clerk to record minutes during deliberations and other open meetings.
  • The Clerk must be appointed no later than five (5) business days before SFRB hearings begin.
  • Compensation for the SFRB Clerk will be determined by the SFRB Chair and Vice Chair.
  • Draft minutes will be publicly available no later than ten (10) business days after each meeting.